The Best Resources for Learning About NARM Therapy

If you want to learn more about NARM (NeuroAffective Relational Model) therapy, there are some great resources available. NARM is an emerging trauma therapy that helps treat complex PTSD and developmental trauma. Here are some of the top resources recommended for learning about this revolutionary approach:


  • The NARM Training Institute website provides information about the therapy, trainer bios, training programs, and a directory to find NARM therapists.
  • The NARM Therapy YouTube channel has instructional videos explaining the NARM approach and key concepts.


The Practical Guide for Healing Developmental Trauma by Laurence Heller – An accessible introduction to the NARM model.

Healing Developmental Trauma by Laurence Heller – A comprehensive NARM handbook.

Trauma and the Body by Pat Ogden – Explains sensorimotor psychotherapy compatible with NARM.

I recommend starting with The Practical Guide for an accessible overview. For more extensive learning, Healing Developmental Trauma is the go-to NARM handbook.